czwartek, 4 lipca 2002

Pigeon Island National Park - St Lucia

Across from Rodney Bay, Pigeon Island National Park, is one of St. Lucia's most important historic attractions. Strategic lookouts on the island allowed the British to monitor the movements of French troops in Martinique during their struggle for control of St. Lucia. Today a causeway connects the island to the mainland and visitors can hike up to the lookout point and enjoy panoramic views of St. Lucia's northwest coast. Also on the island are the ruins of the military buildings used during battles between the French and English.

wtorek, 2 lipca 2002

Piton - Saint Lucia

Wejście na Gros Piton było dość intensywe. Po drodze najlepsze owoce mango jakie można sobie wyobrazić - prosto z drzewa.

Widok na Petit Piton